i would like to create a online chat room(s) for our client. The structure is:
namespace: chat
set: [room id]
key: [microtimestamp]
There is no problem with record creation, but i am not able to write proper query to get last 30 records inserted.
var statement = {};
if (last_id != null) {
statement.filters = [aerospike.filter.range('created', last_id, 99999999999999)];
var results = [];
var query = client.query('chat', objectId);
var stream = query.execute();
stream.on('data', function(result) {
var id = result.meta.key;
result = result.bins;
result.id = id;
stream.on('error', function(error) {
stream.on('end', function(end) {
Can you please help me? Thank you
Hi Daniel,
I see that you’re filtering only if last_id
is not null but statement
is never passed to client.query('chat', objectId);
— so the code as is will always return all records in chat
>> objectId
Is that what you’re experiencing and referring to? If not, please share more info with regards to:
- Expected result vs actual result you’re seeing with your data set
- Secondary index(es) you’ve created
- If there are any errors being output in the console or log
Thank you for your answer. Now i am passing the filter into statement. The problem is that i am unable to get records in ordered list. I use bin “created” (micro time stamp) as index (i am not sure how to use it properly) and as a key. I need last 30 records only.
Hi Daniel,
For ordered list, we’d recommend using Aerospike’s Large Ordered List. IMP to note: It is currently (as of version 1.0.30) not available in our Node.js client but we’re actively working on adding it. In the meantime, you can read more about it here - https://www.aerospike.com/docs/guide/llist.html
I hope this helps.