this file is missing along with many other files. I am not able to pip install aerospike client 4.0.0 due to this?
I would suggest using a more recent client version, or is that not possible for some reason?
We are using aerospike server CE 4.5 Higher client versions were not able to connect to this server.
I have reported this internally and was pointed to me that some of the C client versions were removed due to the following issue:
- CLIENT-1637 Continue processing scans when “partition unavailable” errors occur. “partition unavailable” is not a fatal error for partition scans and the server will continue sending back results for other partitions. Previous clients aborted the scan and put the connection back into the pool which might cause unprocessed results to be sent to a different transaction.
This is why versions of the C client between 4.6.13 and 4.6.24 were removed but, as you pointed out, impacted the 4.0.0 Python client.
This has now been flagged and should hopefully be rectified soon.
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