I have a strange problem writing data to the aerospike cluster
aql> insert into storebig.Chunks (PK,Data) values ('5cb138284d431abd6a053a56625ec088bfb88912', '1234567890')
OK, 1 record affected.
aql> select * from storebig.Chunks where PK = '5cb138284d431abd6a053a56625ec088bfb88912'
aql> insert into storebig.Chunks (PK,Data) values ('5cb138284d431abd6a053a56625ec088bfb88912', '1234567890')
Same story with the golang client library (of course)
It is very possible cluster is not healfy - some strange messages appears in the server(s) log:
May 06 2015 12:17:49 GMT: WARNING (drv_ssd): (drv_ssd.c::1236) read: read wrong key: expecting de6f0bc93bfdf560 got 8ad3dd7fce1ac7ec
May 06 2015 12:17:49 GMT: WARNING (drv_ssd): (drv_ssd.c::1236) read: read wrong key: expecting de6f0bc93bfdf560 got 8ad3dd7fce1ac7ec
May 06 2015 12:17:50 GMT: WARNING (drv_ssd): (drv_ssd.c::1230) read: bad block magic offset 29843600384
May 06 2015 12:17:50 GMT: WARNING (drv_ssd): (drv_ssd.c::1230) read: bad block magic offset 29843600384
My question is: what can I do to investigate the situation, debug and recover? Where to look and what to try?
Thank you.
With best regards, Daniel Podolsky
config template (actual config generated from this template on docker container start)
service {
user root
group root
paxos-single-replica-limit 1
pidfile /var/run/aerospike/asd.pid
service-threads 4
transaction-queues 4
transaction-threads-per-queue 4
proto-fd-max 15000
logging {
file /storage/logs/aerospike.log {
context any info
console {
context any info
network {
service {
address <%=os.getenv("NODE_EXT_ADDR")%>
port 3000
fabric {
address <%=os.getenv("NODE_INT_ADDR")%>
port 3001
heartbeat {
mode multicast
port 9918
interface-address <%=os.getenv("NODE_INT_ADDR")%> interval 150
timeout 10
info {
address <%=os.getenv("NODE_INT_ADDR")%>
port 3003
namespace storebig {
replication-factor 3
memory-size <%=os.getenv("MEM_USE_BIG")%>K
default-ttl 0
high-water-disk-pct 98
high-water-memory-pct 98
stop-writes-pct 95
storage-engine device {
file /storage/data/big.dat
filesize 3T
data-in-memory false
namespace storefast {
replication-factor 3
memory-size <%=os.getenv("MEM_USE_FAST")%>K
default-ttl 0
high-water-disk-pct 98
high-water-memory-pct 98
stop-writes-pct 95
storage-engine device {
file /storage/data/fast.dat
filesize <%=os.getenv("MEM_USE_FAST")%>K
data-in-memory true
namespace storetest {
replication-factor 3
memory-size <%=os.getenv("MEM_USE_FAST")%>K
default-ttl 0
high-water-disk-pct 98
high-water-memory-pct 98
stop-writes-pct 95
storage-engine device {
file /storage/data/test.dat
filesize 3T
data-in-memory false