Aerospike on Centos 7 (3.8.1)


Is Aerospike supported on Centos 7?

Which version of Aerospike do I need to download to install on Centos 7?

I can see that the Centos version refer to version 6 only.

there is redhat 6 and linux bundles.

Right now we’re not actively testing Aerospike on CentOS 7. But on my own CentOS 7 VM, I was able to run Aerospike Red Hat 6 package (latest community version) without any issue. You’re more than welcome to try it out and share with us your results? :smile:

I’m running on Centos 7.1 with no issues with Red Hat 6 package.



We’ve been running on Centos 7 for months and upgraded through 3 different Aerospike versions with no issue.


Officially supported since 3.8.1.