πŸ’« Aerospike URL - Turn connection string into Aerospike DB client

:v: Hello devs!

In this topic, I would like to share my recent open-source initiative that has been built to provide Go engineers with another way to connect to the Aerospike DB.

:link: Aerospike URL

You can go ahead and check the repo:

Published Go package is here as well:

:cowboy_hat_face: Motivation

During my work with various in-memory key-value stores like Redis and Memcached I always had an option to connect using URL connection string like redis://myusername:mypassword@redis.example.com:6379/1 or memcached://memcached.example.com:11211.

This way I can provide a whole URL connection string from an environment variable, like REDIS_URL or MEMCACHED_CONN_STRING, directly when initializing DB client. It’s an architectural requirement I should stick to.

I discovered Aerospike DB and its hybrid model of storing indexes in RAM, while still persisting data on a disk.

It matched product business needs and I started looking for an option to connect using URL & I discovered the official Aerospike Go Client supports only 3 options for establishing a DB connection:

I still needed to connect to Aerospike using URL. Given my requirement and time estimates - I decided to create a new Go package that would solve my task!

:bulb: How it works

TL;DR :dizzy: Adjust & pass this URL into aerospikeurl.Parse and your connection will be up & running: aerospike://aerouser001:aerouserpassw123@

Specify user:passw after aerospike://, after @ specify Aerospike host, then put your Aerospike namespace /my-aerospike-namespace.

Query parameters are aerospike.ClientPolicy properties.

If query parameters are specified, client is created using aerospike.NewClientWithPolicy, otherwise aerospike.NewClient.

:page_facing_up: Example

package main

import (

	aerospikeurl "github.com/tiptophelmet/aerospike-url"
	aero "github.com/aerospike/aerospike-client-go/v6"

// Use aerospikeurl to build Aerospike client from URL
func buildClientFromURL(url string) *aero.Client {
	clientFactory, err := aerospikeurl.Parse(url)
	if err != nil {

	client, err := clientFactory.BuildClient()
	if err != nil {

	return client

// This is only for this example.
// Please handle errors properly.
func panicOnError(err error) {
	if err != nil {

// Use Aerospike client as usual
func main() {
	url := "aerospike://aerouser001:aerouserpassw123@"

	client := buildClientFromURL(url)
	defer client.Close()

	key, err := aero.NewKey("test", "aerospike", "key")

	// define some bins with data
	bins := aero.BinMap{
		"bin1": 42,
		"bin2": "An elephant is a mouse with an operating system",
		"bin3": []interface{}{"Go", 2009},

	// write the bins
	err = client.Put(nil, key, bins)

	// read it back!
	rec, err := client.Get(nil, key)

	fmt.Printf("Record bins: %v", rec.Bins)

	// delete the key, and check if key exists
	existed, err := client.Delete(nil, key)

	fmt.Printf("Record existed before delete? %v\n", existed)

:label: Project stage

Aerospike URL is in its early stage and suggestions are welcome! Feel free to create issues or pull requests in the Github repo