All data(stored on device) lost after upgrading from 3.7.1 to 3.7.3

Hi, I have a aerospike server running on a ec2 machine with one namespace configured as following:

namespace x {
  memory-size 60G
  default-ttl 0
  storage-engine device {
    device /dev/xvdf
    scheduler-mode noop
    write-block-size 128K

It is a setup with only one machine, today I upgraded the aerospike server and tools following this steps:

stop aerospike service, then

$ sudo rpm -Uvh aerospike-server-<EDITION>-<VERSION>.el6.x86_64.rpm 

$ sudo rpm -Uvh aerospike-tools-<EDITION>-<VERSION>.el6.x86_64.rpm

start aerospike service

And when the server came back online it had no more data on my namespace…

Was this behavior expected? Why have I lost my data if I’m using persistence?

P.S. One last observation, UDFs and Index definitions are intact

Link to github issue


Would be helpful to see the startup logs. There isn’t anything else to go on here?

Also what sort of device is /dev/xvdf? If it is ephemeral did you restart the node?

It is a ephemeral ssd, yes, but I did not restart the node during the upgrade… I also have no means now to check the logs because I already imported the data back(from a backup), but I’ll check into it during a next upgrade.