AMC Issue (missing disk/throughput)


Another issue with the latest AMC:

  • i changed yesterday to to add docker containers (they are visible by the cluster an everything works except amc)

but somehow the space information / throughput is now missing (null even in the jsons)

any idears?

What version of the server and AMC are these?




Interesting. Could you please provide your config files for the cluster?

If possible, I’d appreciate it if you could provide steps to reproduce the bug (including a bit of info about your environment), since I can’t reproduce this issue.

This seems like a corner case related to you network config. If you can provide your docker file, I may be able to find and fix the problem.

network {
    service {
        address any
        port 3000

        access-address pub_ip virtual

    heartbeat {
                address any

                # mesh is used for environments that do not support multicast
                mode mesh
                port 3002

                mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server1
                mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server2
                mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server3
        mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server4
                mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server5
                mesh-seed-address-port pub_ip 3002 # server5

        interface-address pub_ip

                # use asinfo -v 'tip:host=<ADDR>;port=3002' to inform cluster of
                # other mesh nodes
                mesh-port 3002

                interval 150
                timeout 10

    fabric {
        port 3001

    info {
        port 3003