Can not connect to Aerospike from K8s cluster via k8 external Service

Hi, I v created a K8s External Service to connect to Aerospike Cluster.

Since in K8s External Service u cannot specify a port and External Service essentially creates a CNAME record. nslookup from a pod resolves the cname to ip address correctly.

But It turns out the goclient Aerospike Client creation fails by Timeout. Interstingly if I use the URL without creating K8s external service (or use the URL directly) Client is created successfully.

What could be going on here?


So Aerospike is the external service on port 3000 but you cannot get your internal client pods to talk to Aerospike right?

For the moment can you try creating a Service with the EndPoints and see if this works so something like the following where is the hosted address of Aerospike

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: aerospike-ext
    - port: 3000
      targetPort: 3000
kind: Endpoints
apiVersion: v1
  name: aerospike-ext
  - addresses:
      - ip:
      - port: 3000

You could then also try using the following asadm client to connect to it in your k8s cluster to confirm all working:

kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never aerospike-tool -n aerospike --image=aerospike/aerospike-tools:latest -- asadm -h aerospike-ext -U admin -P admin```

Thanks @naresh.maharaj It all worked out, it was a dns-ip misconfiguration in aws. the original k8s external service works well

Great stuff - nice to have things resolved :slight_smile: