Aerospike Community K8S Service configuration

Hi Team,

We are running Aerospike community edition in K8S cluster with three node config. There are three pods running with POD IP and we have exposed Aerospike with NodePort for external access. While using info command in asadm, it shows Aerospike three nodes with POD IP. This is with the default network > service as:

network { service { address any }

The external access was unable to connect since it was trying to reach to POD IP. Hence the configuration has changed and looks like:

network { service { address any access-address alternate-access-address port 3000 }

In this case info command of asadm shows the node as NodePort IP and shows as only one node.

How is it possible to advertise/config with three nodes and at the same time access the Aerospike cluster from outside?
