Class 'Aerospike\Bytes' not found

I am working with Aerospike PHP library v3.4.8 on a linux box (debian wheezy / PHP 5.5).

In order to store strings with null-byte in it, I try to have this sample code work (from documentation aerospike-client-php/ at master · aerospike-community/aerospike-client-php · GitHub) :


$client = new \Aerospike(['hosts'=>[['addr'=>'', 'port'=>3000]]]);
$wrapped = new \Aerospike\Bytes("trunc\0ated");

But I get this error on \Aerospike\Bytes instantiation:

Fatal error: Class 'Aerospike\Bytes' not found in /var/www/index.php on line 4

Is it a bug in the library, a bug in the documentation or maybe I missed something at compile time?

Thanks for your help,

I just realize I forgot to include autoloader!


include '/var/www/aerospike-client-php/autoload.php';

$client = new \Aerospike(['hosts'=>[['addr'=>'', 'port'=>3000]]]);
$wrapped = new \Aerospike\Bytes("trunc\0ated");

So that’s ok now!