Cluster setup error

Post by amdalal » Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:30 am


I am trying to setup a 2 node cluster. I have aerospike server installed on two machines (with IPs: IP1 and IP2). I’ve copied /etc/citrusleaf/citrusleaf.conf from server1 to server2.

Only difference b/w two files is:


heartbeat {
#mode multicast
#port 9918
# To use unicast-mesh heartbeats, comment out the 3 lines above and
# use the following instead. The parameters are confusing so read the documentation. 
mode mesh
port 3002
mesh-address IP2
mesh-port 3002
interval 250
timeout 50


heartbeat {
#mode multicast
#port 9918
# To use unicast-mesh heartbeats, comment out the 3 lines above and
# use the following instead. The parameters are confusing so read the documentation. 
mode mesh
port 3002
mesh-address IP1
mesh-port 3002
interval 250
timeout 50

You may also need to set the “address” field as in the multicast section. This will tell the server which IP address to listen to.

Another thing to check is if the port itself can be heard. You may want to just telnet to the other IP and port to check.

Is this in a cloud environment like EC2?