Problems with cluster setup on VM


I am trying to set up a 2 node cluster on a lab server using 2 VMs. I have tried the mesh as well as the multicast heartbeats but I run into different problems each time.

The heartbeats themselves seem to be OK but the cluster is never usable.

I checked the troubleshooting section as well but didn’t help. Then I came across this post(Cluster running Aerospike on LXC) but could not understand what exactly is to be done. Do I need some additional VM settings to make it work?

I have attached logs and conf of both the cases. Please help

Mesh Conf for node1: service { address any port 3000 access-address virtual network-interface-name eth0 }

heartbeat {
	mode mesh
	port 3002
            mesh-seed-address-port 3002
            mesh-seed-address-port 3002

	interval 150
	timeout 10

Multicast Conf for node 1: service { address any port 3000 access-address virtual }

heartbeat {
	mode multicast
	port 9918

	interval 150
	timeout 10

The conf files for the other node( are same with the obvious IP addresses changes.

I did not see the logs and config files. Please provide them again. You may have to use dropbox or google drive. What version of Aerospike you are running?

Hi HimanshuKumarSingh,

We ran into a similar scenario; our Test VM environment wasn’t responding as expected.

Issue: all of the nodes started up in a single node mode, even though a multicast configuration was used.

Resolution: the issue was easily resolved after adding the cluster aware configurations. See the online docs for additional information.

…hope this helps.