Hey @Saksham_Patro, if I’m understanding what you are trying to do, you have records with latitude and longitude that you want to return from a query that identifies them as existing within a geoFence, is that correct?
I believe you’re using the Node client, so I’ve put together a small example that does just that:
const Aerospike = require('aerospike');
const GeoJSON = Aerospike.GeoJSON;
const batchType = Aerospike.batchType;
const op = Aerospike.operations
// Define host configuration
const config = {hosts: ''};
const geoWrite = async () => {
// Create a list of points, Lng | Lat
let places = [
{name: "Mount Diablo", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-122.276156, 37.7467434)},
{name: "Golden Gate", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-122.4602678, 37.7620894)},
{name: "Big Basin", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-122.2337089, 37.4992656)},
{name: "Pinnacles", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-121.5499273, 36.5451009)},
{name: "Muir Beach", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-122.5958625, 37.8664261)},
{name: "Point Molate Beach", point: new GeoJSON.Point(-122.389274, 37.9636355)}
let batchRecords = []
// Write the records
for(let i = 0; i < places.length; i++){
type: batchType.BATCH_WRITE,
key: new Aerospike.Key('sandbox', 'test', i + 1),
ops: [
op.write('name', places[i].name),
op.write('point', places[i].point),
// Connect to server
let client = await Aerospike.connect(config);
// Write the records
await client.batchWrite(batchRecords);
console.info("Records created");
// Close the connection to the server
const geoQuery = async () => {
// Create geo region, Lng | Lat | Radius in meters
let region = new GeoJSON.Circle(-122.0988349, 37.4212823, 50000);
// Connect to server
let client = await Aerospike.connect(config);
// Create index job
let indexJob = await client.createGeo2DSphereIndex({
ns: 'sandbox', // namespace
set: 'test', // set name
bin: 'point', // bin name
index: 'geo_idx', // index name
// Wait for the task to complete
await indexJob.wait()
console.info('Index created');
// Create the query
let query = client.query('sandbox', 'test');
// Set the query filter
query.where(Aerospike.filter.geoWithinGeoJSONRegion('point', region));
//Execute the query
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
await query.foreach(null,
(record) => console.info("Place: %o\n", record.bins),
(err) => reject(err),
() => {client.close(); resolve();}
}).catch(err => console.log(err))
geoWrite().then(() => geoQuery())
The geoWrite()
function writes a handful of records that have names and coordinates, and the geoQuery()
function creates the geoIndex and queries the data with a circular region 100km wide (50km radius). You can try to run this in the sandbox as well.
Hope this helps!