Geowithin query raising some warning

I have a geo within query. on multi polygon schema. Basic Configuration setup is timeout = 10000, and maxConnsPerNode = 10000. I am using node js client. On multiple hits i am getting aerospike warning log trace as : Mar 06 2020 11:32:45 GMT: WARNING (particle): (particle_geojson.c:601) geo_region_cover failed Mar 06 2020 11:32:45 GMT: WARNING (particle): (particle_geojson.c:224) geojson_from_wire() failed Mar 06 2020 11:32:45 GMT: WARNING (rw): (write.c:1851) {americana} write_master: failed as_bin_particle_alloc_from_client() :0x748ec3c9347c3555e0137c69ae9bcf75731509bd

And client is receiving error with code=9. Please any one can share their viewpoint what mistake am i doing ?

@xfankit Can you check or share the coordinates of the region that you are inserting into the Aerospike db. Probably the the number of cells used to cover the region is more than the max-cells. Client should receive error code 160(AEROSPIKE_ERR_GEO_INVALID_GEOJSON). The error code 9 (TIMEOUT) may be due to something else.

Can you also share the geo2dsphere-within configuration?

asadm -e "show config namespace like geo"