How to Build Cluster

Hi Team,

How organization in process of evaluating Aerospike for the same i am trying to build cluster of three node. I have installed tar on my all three nodes however unable to get know how build cluster out of it.

I also go above topic but unable to get clarity from that. Please help.

Have you tried to use any configs yet?

Assuming you decide to do a mesh cluster. (Meaning all 3 nodes will cluster using default port 3002 over TCP)

You can do the following.

Get IP address for all 3 nodes:

(Run ip addr or similar command on each node and capture the 3 ip addresses from interface you want to use for heartbeats)

Node1 IP: w.x.y.1
Node2 IP: w.x.y.2
Node3 IP: w.x.y.3

Modify the config under each node by editing /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf and adding mesh-seed-address-port IPs to the heartbeat section:

 heartbeat {
    mode mesh                   # Send heartbeats using Mesh (Unicast) protocol
    # address eth1       # (Optional) (Default: any) IP of the NIC on
                                # which this node is listening to heartbeat
    port 3002                   # port on which this node is listening to
                                # heartbeat
    # IP addresses for seed nodes in the cluster

    mesh-seed-address-port  w.x.y.1 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
    mesh-seed-address-port  w.x.y.2 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
    mesh-seed-address-port  w.x.y.3 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster

    interval 150                # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
    timeout 10                  # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait before
                                # timing out a node

and finally restart the 3 servers.

sudo service aerospike restart

You should be able to use a tool like asadm to check the health of your cluster.

asadm -e info

Please also architecture info on clustering:

Thanks for you reply… Let test and get back to you

One more question… Same /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf copy on all nodes?

-bash-4.2$ asadm -e info Seed: [(‘localhost’, 3000, ‘cluster_a’)] Config_file: /nfshome/sansingh/.aerospike/astools.conf, /etc/aerospike/astools.conf

                                    Node               Node                   Ip       Build   Cluster   Migrations        Cluster     Cluster         Principal   Client     Uptime
                                       .                 Id                    .           .      Size            .            Key   Integrity                 .    Conns          .   BB9583CA6565000   C-         2      5.890 K   2D2711B97983   True        BB9BB3CA6565000        3   00:00:11   *BB9BB3CA6565000   C-         2      5.890 K   2D2711B97983   True        BB9BB3CA6565000        2   00:00:06
Number of rows: 2

Seems IP mismatch

mode mesh # Send heartbeats using Mesh (Unicast) protocol # address eth1 # (Optional) (Default: any) IP of the NIC on # which this node is listening to heartbeat port 3002 # port on which this node is listening to # heartbeat # IP addresses for seed nodes in the cluster

mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster

interval 150                # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
timeout 10                  # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait before
                            # timing out a node