Hi all,
I’m currently having great success using Aerospike for many use-case, but there is a range of other uses-cases where I’m forced to use something else and I’m really missing the scalability and reliability of Aerospike, namely, all uses-cases where maintaining probabilistic data structures is required.
I’m currently using Redis for Hyperloglog and MintDS (GitHub - mintDS/mintds: Probabilistic data structures server. The data model is key-value, where values are: Bloomfilters, LinearCounters, HyperLogLogs, CountMinSketches and StreamSummaries.) for Bloom Filters and Count-Min Sketches, and I think these data structures could be implemented as C module wrapped with Lua UDF to make them usable with Aerospike; there is already good C implementations available at least for HLL and BF.
What do you think ? Is there other folks interested in it ?