No …that is not the way to do it.
1 - CONFIG file is read only when the node starts
2 - First good entry in the mesh-seed-address-port list is used to make an initial connection to the cluster to join the cluster. The node then obtains all the ip addresses of all the nodes from the cluster itself, not from the mesh-seed-address-port entries.
3 - You provide multiple entries in mesh-seed-address-port so that if the first node of the cluster is down, the node will try the next one till it makes one good connection.
Assume a1 is, a2 is… and so on.
Start a9, giving one entry in mesh-seed-address-port of a1 ie 3000 (assuming port 3000 default is what you are using) in its config file.
Verify node joined the cluster. (Now it has all a1 thru a9 ip addresses/ports from the cluster)
Start a10, giving one entry in mesh-seed-address-port of a1 ie 3000 (assuming port 3000 default is what you are using) in its config file.
Start a11, giving one entry in mesh-seed-address-port of a1 ie 3000 (assuming port 3000 default is what you are using) in its config file.
…and same for a12, …a14. (5 nodes added)
Once you are all happy and running, edit config file of a10 to change mesh-seed-address-port entry to, plus add more than one entry, perhaps all the rest, mesh-seed-address-port … . This will make sure that at a later date if you restart node a10, it can find the correct mesh-seed-address-port entry. Do similar edits for a11 thru a14 config files.
shutdown a1. Suggest you wait for migrations to complete before shutting down a2, though post 3.14+ you don’t have to. If you shut one at a time, you can monitor the health of the cluster as data rebalances.
No need to restart any nodes.
( What you must not do is to first make a separate cluster of a10 through a14 and then make it join the a1 through a9 cluster. )