Namespace only on one node

Hello. Currently we have 2 nodes cluster. Is it possible to do like this

One one node:

namespace ns1 {
    replication-factor 2
namespace ns2 {
    replication-factor 1;

On the second

namespace ns1 {
   replication-factor 2

namespace ns3 {
  replication-factor 1;

In the community version of aerospike. I mean we want to have 1 replicated namespace, and 1 namespace on each node without replication, ns2 and ns3 - we don’t need to replicate and the data inside this ns should not spread across the nodes.

is it possible ?

I would think, yes - you should be able to do it, post server version 3.14. However, if any node goes down, you may loose the data - drive crash? / in-memory only data? / or availability for that single replica namespace, depending on how it has been setup. Also, depending on data size in each ns, the traffic to it, you are creating an unbalanced situation perhaps - so do consider overall performance for ns1 which goes to both nodes evenly vs the other two that are localized.

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