Python Client Release 1.0.56 (November 22, 2015)

The 1.0.56 release of the Python client came out on November 22, 2015 and is available for download here. It boasts a number of features and fixes:



  • Fixed issue #85 - installer error in environments where the user does not have permission to copy system Lua files to the correct directory. Thanks @RonRothman.
  • Fixed issue #82 - vary the shared-memory cluster tending key by host; added shm_key(). CLIENT-71.
  • Fixed a bug occuring in get_nodes when the cluster had one node. CLIENT-566
  • Fixed a bug in client config when the host address is a unicode string. CLIENT-556
  • Fixed issue #88 - expanded the function signature for loggers.
  • Fixed increment() to require an integer value. CLIENT-571
  • Fixed a parsing bug in info(). CLIENT-118
  • Fixed an incorrect exception raised for callback function errors. CLIENT-555
  • Fixed tests containing the deprecated scan_info to use job_info. CLIENT-573
  • Fixed an inaccurate geospatial test.
  • Fixed typos in the API documentation. Thanks @tigran-a.

The full release notes are available here.