
Are there plans to release an update to client.go to support QueryAggregate? I noticed the function signature is there.


Yes. The feature is in my plate to be added in the near future. While I cannot give a concrete release date at the moment, you won’t have to wait for too long.

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Any update on QueryAggregate?

It’s just around the corner. Sorry to have kept you guys waiting.

What is the time frame you would like to see it incorporated?

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This is one of the blockers for us switching completely over to Aerospike (we’re part of the startup special)


Nick Abramovic Vertical Mass

Any update here? It’s really painful having to wrap the aerospike c client in cgo to run the queryaggregate functionality. Thanks!

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We haven’t forgotten about you; please rest assured that QueryAggregate is an important feature in the Go client roadmap. We do not provide time estimates for building new features or fixing bugs, but we will update this forum topic as soon as this feature is released.

January 13 2016 : v1.10 Major release. Adds Aggregation. New Features Added client.QueryAggregate method.

For examples regarding how to use this feature, look at the examples directory.

You can find more documentation regarding the Aggregation Feature on Aerospike Website http://www.aerospike.com/docs/guide/aggregation.html

API Reference: