test code adds 10000 records, containing value which is set up as secondary index - values are “identifier1” through “identifier10000”:
for (int i = 0; i < entriesToProcess; i++) {
Sentence sentence = this.setUpSentenceGranule(i);
SerializedInformationGranule serializedInformationGranule = sentence
.serialize(":test2:" + PersistenceManager.getHighLevelGranuleTablePrefix(), true, 500);
byte[] sentenceAsByteArray = serializedInformationGranule.getInformationGranuleByteBuffer().array();
Key key = new Key(this.getNamespace(), ":test2:" + PersistenceManager.getHighLevelGranuleTablePrefix(), i);
Bin byteArraybin = new Bin(null, sentenceAsByteArray);
Bin secIdxOneBin = new Bin("idHLGT", sentence.getIdentifier());
Bin secIdxTwoBin = new Bin("idNEMS", sentence.getValue());
WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
writePolicy.sendKey = true;
this.getClient().put(writePolicy, key, byteArraybin, secIdxOneBin, secIdxTwoBin);
getting each of these records then shows that they were all created correctly and can all be retrieved with a primary key get.
Executing a query using a regex ^identifier12 returns only 37 records - there are actually 109 records that begin with identifier12
recordSet = client.query(queryPolicy, stmt);
while (recordSet.iterator().hasNext()) {
KeyRecord keyRecord = recordSet.iterator().next();
byte[] receivedAsByteArray = (byte[]) keyRecord.record.getValue("");
InformationGranule informationGranule = null;
informationGranule = this.getInformationGranuleTyped(receivedAsByteArray, informationGranule);
System.out.println("counter: " + counter + " information granule value: " + informationGranule.getValue());
Executing a query using a regex ^identifier1 returns only 370 records - there are 10000 records with this value
The strange thing is that multiples of 37 are being returned!
I have tried this with version 4.0.0 and version 4.0.7
com.aerospike aerospike-client ${aerospike.version}