Hi, i have a problem with scan.
I was going to create a namepspace backup, so i used command:
“asbackup --node-list xxxxxxx:3000 --namespace ppchelp --directory /backups/aerospike”
After scan started, i pushed “Cntrl-z” cause i thought that scan have already run. But when some minutes later i decided to stop scan using command “asinfo -v ‘scan-abort-all:’” and start new dump process, i have seen this:
The top line it is the first dump process i’ve run. I used commands "asinfo -v ‘jobs:module=scan;cmd=kill-job;trid=’ " and “asinfo -v ‘scan-abort:id=’”, but it is still have status ACTIVE. For example, i run the second dump process and successfully stopped it. Now when i try to start dump process it gets status “active(ok)”, but in fact process speed = 0. I also tried to change new scan process priority to 5, but nothing have changed.
How can i remove scan and start dump? Thanks!