Hi, I’m getting the following exception when I try to run ScanAll() method from C# client to retrieve all the records given namespace and set. It is printing the records but the exception is thrown at the end. Any idea why this is happening?
ScanAll() requests/tracks all 4096 partitions. If some partitions were not received, the scan retries those partitions. If 5 retries fail, then an exception is thrown.
Since records were returned, some partitions requests did succeed, but others failed. Some reasons for failure include:
One of the nodes in the cluster is unreachable from the client side.
Timeouts are consistently occurring. This is the likely cause since your timeout is just 1 second for a scan.
Thank you Brian for the reply. I ran ScanNode method on each node and it is returning results so I think nodes are reachable. I tried to set Timeout in ScanPolicy to 2000 (policy.SetTimeout(2000)) but still getting the error. Is there any other way to change the timeout? Thank you