As we are sizing the cluster, we are looking at the requirements in RAM for the index.
Question: If we scale out by adding machines, does the size of the index per machine decrease? On other words, If I have one machine with an index of 256 GB, then does adding another machine decrease the size of the index by 2?
If you are using replication factor 1 then going from 1 node to 2 nodes would require half the space per node. However, the primary index slabs are never freed, they are reused but if you add a second node and do not expect an increase in the total number of records then the original node’s primary index will occupy twice the required RAM–this can be reclaimed with a coldrestart of the daemon.
For replication factor 2: If you go from a single node cluster to 2 nodes then both nodes will need the same amount of index space each that the original node had as a single node cluster. The reduce the required amount of RAM for the index by a factor of 2 in a replication factor 2 environment you would need 4 nodes.