Hi, Do you know where can I find any guide how to install aerospark (on ubuntu)? Currently I got this error during build:
[ERROR] /home/dev/aerospark/src/main/scala/com/osscube/spark/aerospike/rdd/AerospikeRDD.scala:77: error: overloaded method value setAggregateFunction with alternatives:
[INFO] (x$1: ClassLoader,x$2: String,x$3: String,x$4: String,x$5: <repeated...>[com.aerospike.client.Value])Unit <and>
[INFO] (x$1: String,x$2: String,x$3: <repeated...>[com.aerospike.client.Value])Unit
[INFO] cannot be applied to (String, String, Array[com.aerospike.client.Value], Boolean)
[INFO] newSt.setAggregateFunction("spark_filters", "multifilter", udfFilters, true)
[INFO] ^
[WARNING] /home/dev/aerospark/src/main/scala/com/osscube/spark/aerospike/rdd/AerospikeRDD.scala:99: warning: non-variable type argument Long in type pattern java.util.HashMap[Long,Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[INFO] case m: java.util.HashMap[Long, Any] =>
Thanks !!