Hi all,
I am unable to get the following to work in AQL. The query returns all results, disregarding the WHERE predicate. Java API works fine. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
// Aerospike Community Edition build
// Aerospike Tools Version
// AQL Version
// insert some data
aql> INSERT INTO test.geotest(PK,name,location) VALUES (1, “ACME Corp”, CAST(‘{“type”:“Point”,“coordinates”:[-115.2592775,36.2744193]}’ AS GEOJSON))
aql> INSERT INTO test.geotest(PK,name,location) VALUES (2, “Stark Industries”, CAST(‘{“type”:“Point”,“coordinates”:[-115.1610773,36.1300541]}’ AS GEOJSON))
aql> INSERT INTO test.geotest(PK,name,location) VALUES (3, “Wayne Enterprises”, CAST(‘{“type”:“Point”,“coordinates”:[-115.1371557,36.1255425]}’ AS GEOJSON))
// create geospatial index
aql> CREATE INDEX geotest_index ON test.geotest (location) GEO2DSPHERE
// query the results
aql> SELECT name FROM test.geotest WHERE location WITHIN CAST(‘{“type”:“AeroCircle”,“coordinates”:[[-115.1610773,36.1300541],100}’ AS GEOJSON)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
name: “ACME Corp”
*************************** 2. row ***************************
name: “Wayne Enterprises”
*************************** 3. row ***************************
name: “Stark Industries”
3 rows in set (0.180 secs)