Original Postby artursocha » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:44 am
Hi, I was testing out application today. We have 2x node setup with 2x replication and ‘return on master write’ enabled. There were 5k-20k(peaks) tps of async writes(puts,deletes) in total seen on aerospike dashboard. 90% of writes took <8ms (because of 1-2 secondary indexes per set) async client policy setup: asyncMaxThreads=16 asyncMaxSelectorThreads=4 asyncSelectorTimeout=0 asyncMaxCommands=1000 asyncMaxCommandAction=BLOCK
At the beginning it worked fine but then write operations started to accumulate and were eventually blocked (as per asyncMaxCommandAction). I suspect that the problem lies on server side. I would appreciate any hints what config options to check first.
Some of server config that might be relevant: transaction-queues 16 transaction-threads-per-queue 8 proto-fd-max 15000 migrate-xmit-hwm 200 migrate-xmit-lwm 75 migrate-threads 50
namespace: replication-factor 2 memory-size 100G default-ttl 0 # never - it will be handled per record high-water-memory-pct 70 # evict data if memory utilization is greater than 60% high-water-disk-pct 60 # evict data if disk utilization is greater than 50%. These partitions must not be mounted by the file system.
storage-engine device { device /dev/sdb scheduler-mode noop write-block-size 128K data-in-memory true }
Most settings just have default values.
thanks, Artur artursocha