Aerospike C# Client Release 3.8.1 (June 28, 2019)

Aerospike C# client version 3.8.1 was released on June 28, 2019.

This minor release adds several new features and fixes important bugs.


  • Add policy socketTimeout, totalTimeout and maxRetries to exception messages when available.
  • TOOLS-1342 Support write only (write) privilege for user roles. This feature requires Aerospike Enterprise Server 4.6.
  • TOOLS-1343 Support IP address whitelist functionality for user roles. This feature requires Aerospike Enterprise Server 4.6.
  • Expose client policies from IAerospikeClient interface.
  • Expose Cluster and NodeAddress from Node.


  • CLIENT-1077 Perform retry when current node has exhausted all connections.
  • CLIENT-1078 For replica PREFER_RACK, do not retry on same node where command failed if a fallback node exists on any rack.
  • CLIENT-1089 Use first valid seed node when iterating through seeds on cluster initialization. That seed node will provide the other peer nodes in the cluster.