Aerospike cluster - node size is still 1

I am trying to setup aerospike cluster. Here are the below configs i made in aerospike.conf,

  1. added multicast heartbeats Node 1:
 heartbeat {
                mode multicast
                port 9918

                # To use unicast-mesh heartbeats, remove the 3 lines above, and see
                # aerospike_mesh.conf for alternative.

                interval 300
                timeout 10
cluster {
        mode static
        self-group-id 100
        self-node-id  102
service {
paxos-protocol v4

Node 2:

 heartbeat {
                mode multicast
                port 9918
                # To use unicast-mesh heartbeats, remove the 3 lines above, and see
                # aerospike_mesh.conf for alternative.

                interval 300
                timeout 10
cluster {
        mode static
        self-group-id 100
        self-node-id  101
service {
paxos-protocol v4

In both the server logs,

Node 1 log
Apr 02 2017 03:01:31 GMT: INFO (info): (ticker.c:170) NODE-ID bb9006400000065 CLUSTER-SIZE 1
Node 2 log:
Apr 02 2017 03:01:51 GMT: INFO (info): (ticker.c:170) NODE-ID bb9006400000066 CLUSTER-SIZE 1

I don’t see my cluster having node size 2. Please help me debug this.

Have you tried mesh? Also I think you need address defined. If there is only 1 ip on the box you can use: address any

it was recommended to use multicast across. so i did not try with mesh. Let me define the address.

Still after defining address any, the cluster size is 1.

If mesh is failing there should be a distinct log entry indicating failures. Can you post a snippet

Mesh is fine. Apr 02 2017 16:47:43 GMT: INFO (info): (ticker.c:170) NODE-ID bb9006400000065 CLUSTER-SIZE 2 Apr 02 2017 16:47:46 GMT: INFO (info): (ticker.c:170) NODE-ID bb9006400000066 CLUSTER-SIZE 2

Able to see that both the nodes are able to communicate

Mesh doesn’t really have any downsides. My guess is something in your network blocking or not configured for multicast. I’d suggest you just use mesh unless you have a strong need/use case for multicast

okay cool. Then I will move on with the mesh setup. Thank you Albot.

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