Aerospike Geospatial Index & Query - Early Adopter Release (November 30, 2015)

Aerospike is announcing to the Community that it is making available an early Adopter release of the Geo Spatial Index & Query capability (GeoIndex).

This will allow you to:

  • Read, Write and index Geospatial information in GeoJSON format
    • Extended support for Circle types
  • Query with Geospatial operators
    • Points within a region
    • Points within a radius of a point
    • Regions that cover a point
  • Client supported for the following languages
    • Java
    • C / C++
    • Node.js
    • Python
    • Go

If you want to be included in the Early Adopter program for Geo Indexing, please drop me an email at

Alvin Richards

VP of Product



Awesome! :grinning:

Is this a geohashing based approach? Any ballpark on the number of queries that could be handled by this (as compared to say regular read requests)?

@naoum - Answers

Q1: Is this a geohashing based approach?

We use the S2 Spherical Geometry Library for mapping points and regions into single dimension 64bit CellID representation, indexable as an integer index.

Q2: Any ballpark on the number of queries that could be handled by this (as compared to say regular read requests)?

We are trying to maintain the right balance of query execution while maintaining a high write rate for Geo data. We know of optimizations that could further accelerate query performance, but before we go down that path we wanted to get a better idea of real world performance and needs. This is where the community comes in. We know your mileage will vary (number and size of expected return value sets etc.) - we want to understand what that looks like in the real world.

Hope that helps!


Wow! Great! I am waiting for this.