The 1.0.58 release of the Aerospike Python client came out on December 31, 2015 and is available for download here. This major release adds support for geospatial index and query, a feature requiring Aerospike server >= 3.7.0, as well as other features and fixes.
- Enhanced geospatial queries with new predicates geo_within_geojson_region, geo_within_radius, geo_contains_geojson_point, and geo_contains_point. CLIENT-601
- Added support for Amazon environments such as EMR. Thanks @ramrengaswamy and @BeeswaxIO.
- Fixed case where a wrong exception was thrown for error status 160. CLIENT-600
- Fixed a bug where as_geojson was not casting back to aerospike.GeoJSON. CLIENT-628
The official release notes are available here.