Aerospike PID file not created


I have configured pidfile as /var/run/aerospike/ in my service stanga. Verified folder permissions of /var/run/aerospike all are good. Stil when i start aerospike its not creating pid file or not writing to pid file.

I have to configure logrotate for aerospike. How will i configure this…

Which version of Aerospike and OS are you using?


@shakthimaan am using Aerospike Community Edition build and centios os.

Which version of CentOS?


@shakthimaan Sorry for delay and incomplete information.

Currently I am using CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 .

Thanks in advance for your help.

From CentOS 7 onwards, you have systemd which manages Aerospike daemon and server logs. Please refer:

Thanks, will check same and come back to you.