AMC Issues (AER-3880)

Hey guys,

i found two issues about the AMC Web server:

First one:

URL: http://localhost:8081/test Result: 404 Issue: document type is application/json, but it should be text/html otherwise web browsers have issues with the error page.

The Second:

I’m using lighttpd proxy to secure the console with htaccess and make is accessible via port 80. I’m accessing the amc console with another url ( instead of aero:8081/. It works like a charm with a bunch of redirecting rules, but you guys have a issue with your ahref links (navigation):

you using:

<a id="latencyTabLink" href="/#latency/...">Latency</a>

the correct format would be

<a id="latencyTabLink" href="#latency/...">Latency</a>

the prefix of “/” is not necessary.

Hopefully there is a bunch of free to to fix this two things :smile:

Greetings !

Hi Blonkel,

Thanks for reporting these 2 issues with AMC. I have conveyed them to engineering team; they are likely to be fixed soon.

thanks, samir

blonkel -

A JIRA has been filed to follow up on this; it’s AER-3606, just for reference. Please stay tuned for updates on our progress.



Hey !

We noticed you fixed the issues in the latest amc release ! First of all thank you, this makes it possible for us to use AMC in a safe and easy way on our smartphones.

Anyways we still found some things (not that critical):

  • switch cluster (on the right side) still uses the old ahref style (/#)
  • #Definition → Sets sorting is always alphabetically and thus broken for all numerical columns (e.g. object counts)
  • all ajax requests have the same issue as the ahref links (they all going to /dir instead of dir). This leads to a lot of redirect rules for us and prevents us from using a bunch of dirs on the root. It would be awesome if theres any possibility that those links are fixed too :).

Here are our rules for lighttpd if someone wants to setup it like we did. Afterwards it possible to connect to amc via Hint: secure it via httpsaccess & use https for security reasons.

$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/static/)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/aerospike/)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/get_amc_version)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/get_current_monitoring_clusters)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/set-update-interval)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/admin/amc/)" { proxy.server  = ( "" => ("" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81 ))) }
$SERVER["socket"] == ":81" {
    url.rewrite-once = ( "^/admin/amc/(.*)$" => "/$1" )
    proxy.server  = ( "" => ( "" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 8081 ))) 

Hi Blonkel,

thank you for your feedback. The feedback is being reviewed by engineering team and will keep you posted.


Hi Blonkel,

thanks for reporting the issue. Engineering team have been notified and have accepted as a bug that will be fixed in upcoming releases. The issue has been logged as AER-3880.

thanks again, samir

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