Calling Aerospike C Client from Lua


Am trying to call the aerospike c client api from Lua (on mac) by following the instructions at the below links:

However, when I try to build the file by running the command ./, i get many of such errors:

duplicate symbol _luaV_settable in: /usr/local/lib/libaerospike.a(lvm.o) /usr/local/lib/liblua.a(lvm.o)

duplicate symbol _luaV_lessthan in: /usr/local/lib/libaerospike.a(lvm.o) /usr/local/lib/liblua.a(lvm.o)

A grep on the libaerospike.a and liblua.a shows that those symbols are actually defined in both of these libs. Any clues on how to resolve this?

Thanks, Samar

The reason for the duplicate symbols error is that “-llua” is no longer needed since the Aerospike C Client 3.0.96+ now includes the Lua engine built in. The build scripts have been updated. Please re-pull and try again. Thanks.

I have same problem building using the linux variant but the error is : from src/as_lua.c:13: /usr/include/citrusleaf/alloc.h:28:23: fatal error: mem_count.h: No such file or directory

A fix has been checked in. Please re-pull and re-build. Thanks!

Hi Psi,

Thanks for the fix.


Thanks, i found the headers and compiled the lib but another error msg came when importing the .so file. There is separate post about it: undefined symbol: RAND_seed