Create a cluster on OS X using Vagrant

Hi All

Is it possible for me to create a cluster environment on OS X using Vagrant, by possibly creating multiple Vagrant boxes each with aerospike running on them for example. If so, can anyone point me in the direction of how to set up the configs for each box etc - very very new to Aerospike :smile:

Many thanks


Using vagrant boxes on same mac for Aerospike cluster is fairly common for development environment.

A few pointers:

  1. Both the vagrant boxes can see each other (ping each other).

  2. Node ID for Aerospike nodeā€™s cluster identity is combination of MAC address and Port. If you have 2 or more vagrant images on same OS-X environment, the cluster may not be able to distinguish between 2 nodes, since they have same MAC address and port. You should use different ports in aerospike.conf file, by default installed in /etc/aerospike folder

  3. Use static IP addresses for vagrant boxes and configure access-address with the specific IP address. Using any would also enable address, and could be confusing for clients trying to connect.

  4. Mesh configuration is easiest to make the cluster work in such scenario. You should be able to get multicast to work too, make sure multicast is enabled and you specify interface-address in the aerospike.conf file.


Thanks Samir. I was looking for more of an idiots guide, but I worked it all out in the end - created a Vagrant multi-machine with instances of Aerospike - all runs well.

Another way to create a cluster offers less performance but is easier, and adequate in a dev context, which is to run multiple Aerospike daemons in the same instance, each on a separate port.

  • Download the latest Linux tarball of the server, and unpack it.
  • Initialize the server a couple of times (or more), each on a unique port.
  • Open a terminal into each of the initialized directories and start the instance.
  • The cluster will form automatically using multicast. Tail the log.
wget > aerospike.tgz
tar zxvf aerospike.tgz
cd aerospike-server
# you may want to edit the default config inside share/etc/aerospike.conf
./bin/aerospike init --home ./i1 --instance i1  --service-port 3000
./bin/aerospike init --home ./i2 --instance i2  --service-port 3010
# you can initialize more instances. now in each instance:
cd i1
sudo ./bin/aerospike start
tail -f var/log/aerospike.log
# in another terminal window
cd i2
sudo ./bin/aerospike start
tail -f var/log/aerospike.log

The example above created a cluster of two aerospike daemons running in the Vagrant instance on ports 3000 and 3010. You can connect to those with the client from the OS X side once you find the IP address of the Vagrant instance.

$ ifconfig | grep "inet addr"
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet addr:  Mask:

In this case the client can connect to either ('', 3000) or ('', 3010) as the seed node.

This cluster will by default contain an in-memory namespace called test. If you want to nuke what is on it make sure to take down all the nodes in the cluster and remove any artifacts.

# in each aerospike server instance directory
sudo ./bin/aerospike stop
rm var/smd/*
rm var/udf/lua/*
rm var/log/*

Cheers for this info, but the set up I have running is ideal currently as posted above :slightly_smiling:

Then please share this ideal of solutions, eh? Eh?

Ha ha, okay - well - I have a vagrant set up as followsā€¦

This is my Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
    #### DEFINE BOX 1 ####

    config.vm.define "aerospike_vm_1" do |aerospike_vm_1| = "aerospike/centos-6.5"
    aerospike_vm_1.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = "aerospike_vm_1"

    # Network settings for this box: "private_network", ip: ""

    #### END OF BOX 1 ####

    #### DEFINE BOX 2 ####
    config.vm.define "aerospike_vm_2" do |aerospike_vm_2| = "aerospike/centos-6.5"
    aerospike_vm_2.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = "aerospike_vm_2"

    # Network settings for this box: "private_network", ip: ""

    #### END OF BOX 2 ####

    #### DEFINE BOX 3 ####
    config.vm.define "aerospike_vm_3" do |aerospike_vm_3| = "aerospike/centos-6.5"
    aerospike_vm_3.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = "aerospike_vm_3"

    # Network settings for this box: "private_network", ip: ""

    #### END OF BOX 3 ####


I then have this as the identical aerospike.conf file on each VM boxā€¦

# Aerospike database configuration file.
    service {
        user root
        group root
        paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
        pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
        service-threads 4
        transaction-queues 4
        transaction-threads-per-queue 4
        proto-fd-max 15000

    logging {
        file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {
                context any info

network {
        service {
                address any
                port 3000
                access-address  #  (92 / 93 on the other servers)
                network-interface-name eth2 # Needed for Node ID

        heartbeat {
                mode multicast
                port 9918

                interval 150
                timeout 10

        fabric {
                port 3001

        info {
                port 3003

namespace temp01 {
        replication-factor 2
        memory-size 1G
        default-ttl 0

        storage-engine device {
                file /opt/aerospike/data/temp01.dat
                filesize 2G
                data-in-memory false

That seems to work really well and using Vagrant Manager ( I can spin them up individually or all at once as and when I need them - works great for DEV and you can of course set up the namespaces however you want :slightly_smiling:

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Thanks! Thatā€™s a really useful contribution.

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No problem Ronen, sorry it took so long to reply to your other post :smiley:

Based on your highly useful blog post I modified my Vagrantfile to the following:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
    nodes = 2
    cores = 2
    memsz = 2560
    filesz = (memsz - 512) * 4
    config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |v|
        v.vmx["memsize"] = memsz
        v.vmx["numvcpus"] = cores
    (1..nodes).each do |i|
        ip_octet4 = 90 + i
        access_ip = "33.33.33.#{ip_octet4}"
        config.vm.define "aerospike_vm_#{i}" do |aerospike_vm|
   = "aerospike/centos-6.5"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
       = "aerospike_vm_#{i}"
   "private_network", ip: access_ip
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :file, source: "aerospike.conf", destination: "/tmp/aerospike.conf"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell, inline: "sed -r -i 's/CORES/#{cores}/g' /tmp/aerospike.conf"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell, inline: "sed -r -i 's/ACCESS/#{access_ip}/g' /tmp/aerospike.conf"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell, inline: "sed -r -i 's/MEMSIZE/#{memsz-512}/g' /tmp/aerospike.conf"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell, inline: "sed -r -i 's/FILESIZE/#{filesz}/g' /tmp/aerospike.conf"
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell do |s|
                s.inline = "cp /tmp/aerospike.conf /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf"
                s.privileged = true
            aerospike_vm.vm.provision :shell do |s|
                s.inline = "service aerospike restart"
                s.privileged = true

with this basic aerospike.conf:

# Aerospike database configuration file.

# This stanza must come first.
service {
  user root
  group root
  paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
  pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
  service-threads CORES
  transaction-queues CORES
  transaction-threads-per-queue 4
  proto-fd-max 15000

logging {
  # Log file must be an absolute path.
  file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {
    context any info
    context udf critical
    context query critical
    context aggr critical
  file /var/log/aerospike/udf.log {
    context any critical
    context udf debug
    context query info
    context aggr info

network {
  service {
    address ACCESS
    access-address ACCESS
    port 3000

  heartbeat {
    mode multicast
    port 9918

    interval 150
    timeout 15

  fabric {
    port 3001

  info {
    port 3003

namespace test {
  replication-factor 2
  memory-size MEMSIZEM
  default-ttl 5d

  storage-engine device {
    file /opt/aerospike/data/test.dat
    filesize FILESIZEM
    data-in-memory true

Note: Updated config for server 3.10, based on the migration guide (November 17 2016).

I like that ! thatā€™s a nice live time config, easily changed with variables - nice one Ronen!

While using the above combination, i got the below error

Jul 16 2016 12:59:07 GMT: CRITICAL (config): (cfg.c:3375) external address ā€˜ACCESSā€™ does not match service addresses ā€˜;;ā€™

Any clue how to resolve it ?

Looks like your aerosike.conf template kept the place holders (ie ACCESS instead of the ip address)

Was there any errors with vagrant up command?

Could you provide the output for:

  vagrant ssh aerospike_vm_1 -c 'ls -al /tmp'
  vagrant ssh aerospike_vm_1 -c 'ls -al /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf'
  vagrant ssh aerospike_vm_1 -c 'cat /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf'

Hi Crags,

Thanks for you example. I did like your config in 3 VM VirtualBox. But I donā€™t know how to use aerospike client. I try to new clients with array of hosts of 3 aerospike servers, when I put data, it save into all of them. It true or me doing something wrong? I read docs of aerospike, it wrote something like: ā€œaerospike donā€™t have master nodeā€. I think I just new client with one of them, and data will be balance and distributed between 3 aerospike server :slight_smile:. Canā€™t you help me to using client of aerospike with this case.

Thanks you very much

Hi @khietnt93

Yes, you are right, if you have 3 servers in your cluster, then you can connect and write to any single one of them, and the data will be replicated across however many you have set as your replication factor. Sounds as if it is working fine :slight_smile:

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Hi @Crags,

Thanks you for your reply. Canā€™t you give me some command or code to checking my setting for node cluster is true, because when I try to putting record in one of IPā€™s servers, just one server have data.

Ahh I see what you mean - you need this:

click on the command reference at the bottom and you can see the commands for finding information about your cluster etc

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Ah Can you help me let me know how to use AMC,

I see it have button ā€œAdd Nodeā€, I try to using that button for adding difference IPā€™s server of two servers. Then I donā€™t know it is true or wrong? Because I see 1 Node up, 2 Nodes down, and my data donā€™t replicate with another Node.

Thanks for your help @Crags

I know my problem in fabric, I set address for it and everything run perfect :smiley:

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Great, glad you got it running :slight_smile: