Need aws ec2 instance suggestion for aerospike

Hi In our organisation, we are currently using aerospike with data in disk (SSD). We are currently using c5d.4xlarge instances for this, though disk size is becoming bottleneck for us. Wanted to know what the recommendation is for data in disk mode for aerospike. Our use case of aerospike is mostly read heavy, with data needs to be persistent for longer durations (minimum 1 year)

Hi there! I’m happy to help with this, but I would need more information please. If you can provide the following, I can suggest an instance which may work for you.

  • How much total data do you have?
  • What is your desired throughput per second, ideally broken down into reads vs writes?
  • What is your average object size?
  • Are you storing your indexes in memory or on disk?
  • Do you have any restrictions on what instances are available to you?
