Can't use "i3.large" instance type with Aerospike 3.12/3.11

Hi there, I’m trying to start Aerospike on the new Storage Optimized I3 instances but can’t use the one that fits the bill for me – i3.large.

The instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see AWS Marketplace: Aerospike Database Community Edition (CE) for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems. Launching EC2 instance failed.

However, I can use i3.xlarge or larger. Indeed, I can’t see the desired type under the list of supported instances - Any idea if/why this instance type was left out ? It’s not a region issue as I tried to use either US or EU regions w/o success.

Thanks AlexM

We’re facing this exact issue. Is this an oversight or is there a particular reason i3.large type is not supported?

cc: @meher: Did you get any info on this previous thread? New EC2 I3 Instance Type optimized for SSDs NOT WORKING FOR AEROSPIKE? - #4 by meher


We are currently reaching out to AWS to get i3.large added into our supported instance types.

That previous thread being referred to (New EC2 I3 Instance Type optimized for SSDs NOT WORKING FOR AEROSPIKE? - #4 by meher) had a follow up update on that same day (March 1st).

Thank you!

Kindly update on this thread when AWS makes the change.

i3.large has been added as a supported instance type as of today.

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