Publish client to Maven Central

shpxnvz wrote at Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:31 pm

Are there are plans to get the Java client deployed to Maven Central or another public repo? It’s quite inconvenient to have to build/deploy/host the client artifacts internally, especially when nearly every other datastore we work with already publishes artifacts in the standard way for Java projects to use.

It’s doubly frustrating that the client depends on libraries (GNU Crypto) which also are not officially published to any public repository of which I’m aware.

If I’ve missed where this is already done, I would much appreciate a pointer (as the docs don’t seem to mention it).


young » Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:22 am

Thank you for your comments.

We do not yet have our SDKs on a public repository. However, we will be publishing them soon to Github. Java will be the first one.

If you have any other thoughts, please let us know. We appreciate them.


Aerospike Java client has now been published to Maven Central (as well as Ivy, Gradle, SBT, Leiningen)

The dependency to add to your pom.xml is:


More information can be found at: