November 18, 2015, 6:58pm
I am using asgraphite to report stats to graphite but I am not finding the stats for the actual read/write queries per second (basically what the AMC shows by default). Is this currently reported by asgraphite? Are the available stats documented anywhere?
November 18, 2015, 11:21pm
Yes, to enable these stats with the “–latency” option
if name in self:
return name
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name in self:
return name
raise AttributeError
AuthMode = Enumeration(
# Use internal authentication only. Hashed password is stored on the server.
# Do not send clear password. This is the default.
# Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is
# configured on server. If TLS defined, send clear password on node login via TLS.
# Throw exception if TLS is not defined.
# Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is
# configured on server. Send clear password on node login whether or not TLS is defined.
Also FYI, collectd can export to graphite as well and our collectd plugin covers more metrics. You can learn about it here: GitHub - aerospike-community/aerospike-collectd: Aerospike plugin for collectd - a community driven open source project
November 20, 2015, 2:16am
Great - thanks! Will check out collectd too
August 22, 2016, 4:50pm
I know this is an old thread but how do you get the latencies to work with the latest aerospike 3.9+ versions?