Unable to send latency values to Graphite through asgraphite

Hi All, I am able to send namespace values (metrics) to graphite by using below command.

#python /opt/aerospike/bin/asgraphite -n --start -g <graphite_host> -p <graphite_port>

But I am unable to send only latency values to graphite by using below command

python /opt/aerospike/bin/asgraphite -l 'latency:' --start -g <graphite_host> -p <graphite_port>

Can someone help me on it,

You should find latency values under:

instances.aerospike.$HOSTNAME.latency.$NAMESPACE.$METRIC (by default)

If your namespace is in memory only, then there will be no latency metrics. There will also be no latency metrics if there hasn’t been any read or write activity.

You can enable the --verbose flag to log every operation as well. The default log is /var/log/aerospike/asgraphite.log.