Unable to launch GKE cluster


This implementation doesn’t work anymore?

I believe this particular implementation is actually not maintained at this point. Not sure about potential alternatives on GCE (there are some on AWS and GCE will likely have some new offering at some point in the future). At this point, you could leverage the Kubernetes Operator which is actively being worked on.

Thanks Meher. The GCE model was attractive for getting easy access to licensing; now I’m just waiting for someone to get back to me.

Hi @meher can Kubernetes Operator be used for Aerospike Community Edition ?

Also GitHub - aerospike/aerospike-kubernetes-enterprise can this be used by replacing aerospike-server-enterprise docker image by aerospike-server community edition docker image ?

The documentation says:

“Although the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator can be used to deploy Aerospike Community Edition, most of the Operator’s features are only compatible with Aerospike Enterprise Edition.”