Aerospike C client version 4.4.0 was released on December 4, 2018.
This major release adds several new features and fixes important bugs.
- AER-5957 Support rack aware clients.
- Add event loop statistics, as_event_loop_get_process_size() and as_event_loop_get_queue_size().
- Shared memory layout has changed. The default as_config shm_key has changed to 0xA8000000 so old client applications do not mix shared memory with new client applications. If you are using shared memory clients with a custom shm_key, it’s critical that this key changes when linking with the new Aerospike client library.
- Fix potential memory leak if “as_key_new” functions are used and the namespace or set length is greater than specified capacity.
- Remove unused error codes.
- Change admin message version to 2.