I have test servers and production servers. Now those are in same network and when I start serves those immediately go to same cluster which is nice but in my case how I can tell that test and production servers are separate clusters? I used this dun - Instruct this server to ignore another node (http://www.aerospike.com/docs/tools/asinfo/) …it worked, but I am not sure if I restart aerospike services or servers is this really so good to use. How i could tell that I have 3 servers in test ip1,ip2,ip3 and those should be test cluster and in produciton ip4,ip5,ip6 and those should be the production cluster.
And client should be able to access all (test, production) clusters.
Very nice to hear that you like the product. Using two multicast setups on the same network would not be recommended as you will be running into the very problem you are facing now. You could switch your TEST setup to A) a separate network or B) look at using MESH (unicast) for your TEST setup which would also have that effect. You can read more about MESH here: http://www.aerospike.com/docs/operations/configure/network/heartbeat/#mesh-unicast-heartbeat