Aerospike Java Client Release 4.4.12 (May 27, 2020)

Aerospike Java client version 4.4.12 was released on May 27, 2020.

This minor release new features and a bug fix.

  • A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.
    • If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity.


  • CLIENT-1291 Allow maxSocketIdle to be set to zero (no reap). Connections retrieved from pools in transaction threads will not be checked for maxSocketIdle when maxSocketIdle is zero. Idle connections will still be trimmed down from peak connections to min connections in the cluster tend thread using a hard-coded 55 second limit when maxSocketIdle is zero.
  • CLIENT-1287 If a batch request to a node fails, continue processing other node responses for async batch read methods that accept a sequence listener (ExistsSequenceListener, BatchSequenceListener, RecordSequenceListener).
  • Add AerospikeClient getCluster().
  • Add ExecuteTask getTaskId().
  • Add create nested map and create nested list examples.


  • Verify varargs length in Execute(), so if empty operations does not override the original operations set in Statement.