One server installation - Unable to find any suitable network device for node ID on start

I want to install Aerospike on vps and connect to it only from the same server. So, basically I want to allow only ip I configured network like this: network { service { address port 3000 access-address }

My server have these interfaces: lo, venet0:0 Where venet0:0 is my external interface

When I try to start Aerospike it doesn’t start and there are errors in the log:

Unable to find any suitable network device for node ID could not get node id

How can I fix this issue?

Please ensure that your virtual network interface has a Mac Address. The error you mentioned could be related to the use of venet as your external interface. It may be preferable to use a veth network interface instead of venet to ensure the presence of a mac address.

Please see:

Which version of aerospike are you using?

There is also the following bug that has been fixed in version 3.10.1

[AER-5327] - (KVS) Access-address no longer support loopback