Aerospike C Client Release 5.2.2 (July 26, 2021)

Aerospike C client version 5.2.2 was released on July 26, 2021.

This minor release adds new features and fixes.

  • A bug affecting this version of the C client has been identified. If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to C client 5.2.6 at the earliest opportunity.


  • CLIENT-1567 Add seed and peer nodes at the same time on startup. Refresh peers of new nodes in same cluster tend iteration.
  • Use github actions to run unit tests on push and pull requests. Remove travis.
  • Build on rhel 8 instead of centos 8 when creating rpm packages.


  • CLIENT-1559 Do not wait for async connector completion when async_min_conns_per_node > 0 and connector is already running in an event loop thread. This is done to prevent deadlock.
  • For scan error AEROSPIKE_ERR_MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED, include all retry sub-errors in error message.
  • Convert prefix rhel to el in platform script.