AQL is missing in new version of Aerospike docker image

Hi guys, I pulled an aerospike:ce- docker image. I found that version doesn’t have AQL support like a version before. I’m trying to run Aerospike on MacOS with arm64 architecture.

You are correct, we have removed various tools - only keeping asadm and asinfo since the collectinfo feature in asadm is required to be run on the node itself and asinfo is built on top of asadm. The reason for the reduction is to allow us to reduce the number op packages that we install from apt-get so that we can reduce the 3rd party package vulnerability issues that come from security scans such as Snyk.

The documentation on Dockerhub’s official image needs updating and isn’t as thorough as what exists aerospike/aeropspike-server (which is the identical image). The recommended way of using tools with the server image is to use the aerospike-tools image in a separate container, instructions are included in the READMEmd.

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Thank you @kporter for an explanation. I improvised it with the multistage docker image.

FROM --platform=arm64 aerospike/aerospike-tools as aerospike-tools

FROM --platform=arm64 aerospike:ce- as aerospike-server
COPY --from=aerospike-tools /usr/bin/aql /usr/bin/aql

Now, I have aql on server side. It is for local development only on my arm64 machine.

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